8 out of 10 delays They are due to the use of out-of-date digital maps or those not specialized in logistics routes.
Without logistics tracking and dispatch software, companies can face several problems and measurable consequences:
Greater precision
Up-to-date digital mapping provides more accurate road, street, and address information, enabling more accurate and efficient route planning.
Avoid errors
Outdated digital mapping can lead to route planning errors, such as suggesting routes that no longer exist or are closed.
Avoid jams
Up-to-date digital mapping can provide real-time information on traffic and road conditions, making it possible to avoid traffic jams and plan alternative routes.
Better user experience
A route planning software with updated cartography provides a better user experience, since it allows more precise route planning and avoids errors.
In summary, having up-to-date digital cartography in a route planning software is essential to ensure accuracy and efficiency in route planning, improve the user experience and avoid errors and traffic jams on the roads.

Digital Maps

Onpremise Digital Cartography for all applications.
Information included according to application.
Maps of all the countries of Latin America and Europe.
Delivery in Shape, Mapinfo and Roadnet format.
Digital Cartography HERE
from all Latin American and European countries
We are official distributor
Map with regular updates
Map compiled in Roadnet format
Editable in Roadnet
Includes Information for Geocoding and Routing
Annual Licenses